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The financial comparison

Find the best bank account, the best 3rd pillar solution or the best credit card in Switzerland with the independent Become Wealthy comparisons.

The BEST at a glance at a glance

We compare and evaluate - you only have to do the opening yourself.

Test winner Become Wealthy
Star rating Become Wealthy comparison, stars 1 to 5
Banks Logos Collage, Logo Migros Bank, PostFinance, UBS, Luzerner Kantonalbank, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Credit Suisse, BLKB, Graubündner Kantonalbank, Raiffeisen, Bank CLER, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg, yuh, neon

We test (almost) all of them

From UBS to the cantonal bank - here you can keep track of everything.

Finances under control step by step, stairs

Your finances under control - step by step

We'll show you what your financial setup should look like. There are many fee traps and if you don't recognise them, you're giving away a lot of money. In our comparison, you'll find a clear overview of all the information so that you don't have to trudge through factsheets and terms and conditions yourself. 


But first of all: there is no such thing as the perfect all-in-one solution. The best solution is to use your personal account to pay your rent, collect cashback with your credit card when shopping and think about the right bank card for travelling abroad. Even more important are the fees when investing and making provisions - an expensive product can cost you hundreds of thousands of francs by the time you retire.

The financial setup

A good financial setup is crucial for keeping your finances under control.






for payment transactions
(rent, bills, etc.)



for diversification for amounts over CHF 100,000 (depositor protection)



  • Emergency fund (3-6 months' wages)

  • Tax reserve

  • Medium-term investments


account +


for foreign payments (holidays, online shopping)

Cashback credit card

Receive cashback with every payment (online and in-store)


Invest available assets

(Investment strategy depends on risk tolerance and risk capacity)

Pillar 3a

Pension provision and tax savings

(additional account at CHF 50,000: break tax progression on withdrawal)

Icon rental, icon with roof and windows

Rent etc.

You should primarily use the private account for domestic payments (e.g. rent, salary payments). Use an account with the lowest possible fees. You should avoid accounts with fixed costs.

Shopping trolley, shopping cashback credit card


A cashback credit card is ideal for everyday shopping in Switzerland. You will receive a portion of your purchase amount back as credit with every purchase - cashback.

Logo Become Wealthy, piggy bank


The nest egg (rule of thumb 3-6 months' wages) belongs in a savings account - preferably with interest. Also build up reserves for medium-term investments (e.g. a new car) or the tax bill. You should invest the rest via pillar 3a and free investments.

Promo Codes

Whenever possible, we negotiate exclusive conditions for you (e.g. a starting credit). We show you these benefits with this icon - a promo code has no influence on the rating.

Icon voucher code, promotion code, promo code
Independence guarantee icon, checkmark


Become Wealthy is completely independent. If you use one of our codes or links, we may receive a commission. We use this to finance the operation of the financial platform, for which we thank you very much. This has no influence on the rating, as we evaluate the offers using an objective evaluation matrix and the commission is not included as an evaluation criterion.

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