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finpension code

CHF 25 fee credit

Receive a CHF 25 fee credit with the finpension code 1VV94R. Open an account now with finpension promo code.

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Code: 1VV94R

finpension promo code

finpension code 2025: 1VV94R

finpension is a digital financial and pension solution for asset management (Invest wealth), pillar 3a and vested benefits. And with our finpension code 1VV94R you will receive a fee credit of CHF 25 🥳.

finpension promo code instructions (finpension invest wealth / finpension 3a / finpension vested benefits)

  1. Open an finpension account online or in the app
  2. Follow the instructions and open an account digitally
  3. Enter finpension code 1VV94R
  4. Make sure you enter the finpension voucher code in the "Enter code" field during the last registration step ALTERNATIVE: If you have overlooked this field, you can still enter the code for 24 hours after registration. To do this, click on the symbol for the referral programme (👍) at the top right of the portfolio and enter the finpension promo code there.
  5. Deposit or transfer of at least CHF 1,000.00 within the first 12 months.
  6. Done 😎

Note: The code "1VV94R" for the fee credit also works if you already have a finpension pension product. You can enter the finpension code when opening finpension Invest in the last registration step or within 24 hours of registration.


Register online

Register online via app or computer.


finpension Code: 1VV94R

Enter the finpension code 1VV94R in the last registration step. Alternatively, the code can be entered for 24 hours after registration.


Deposit CHF 1,000

Deposit or transfer CHF 1,000 within 12 months. And you'll benefit from a CHF 25 fee credit.

More about finpension

finpension is a digital financial and pension solution for unrestricted investments, pillar 3a and vested benefits. You can easily manage your investments and pension products in the app or on your computer. You decide for yourself how you want to combine the products, e.g. whether you only need free investments, only pillar 3a, only vested benefits or all three. And with our finpension referral code 1VV94R, you will receive a fee credit of CHF 25. 💰

  • All-in-one app: With the finpension application (app and on the computer), you can add new products (Invest, 3a, vested benefits) with just a few clicks and manage them digitally in one place.
  • finpension Invest: finpension's investment solution is available from as little as CHF 1 and is one of the cheapest in Switzerland. finpension does not charge a surcharge on foreign currency exchanges and consistently focuses on optimising withholding tax, both of which have a positive effect on returns.  You can either leave it to finpension to select the appropriate equity component (Auto Select) or decide freely on the equity component and investment orientation (Self Select). finpension has a FINMA licence as an account-holding securities firm.
  • finpension 3a: There are six investment strategies with different proportions of equities to choose from. The strategies are available in three different versions: global, Swiss and sustainable. The strategies can also be customised.
  • Vested benefits: There is also a choice of six investment strategies with different equity components for vested benefits. The strategies are available in three different versions: Global, Swiss and Sustainable. The strategies can also be customised.


finpension offers very attractive fees, with transparent flat fees.

More information at:

finpension Code: 1VV94R


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