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clevercircles promo code

CHF 100 starting credit

Receive CHF 100 starting credit with the clevercircles promo code BW100. Open your account now with the clevercircles code (clevercode).

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Code: BW100

clevercircles promotion code

clevercircles promo code 2025: BW100

Clevercircles is a roboadvisor that can be used to put together a customised portfolio of ETFs and index funds. And with our clevercircles promotion code BW100 you will receive a starting credit of 100 francs. 🥳

clevercircles code instructions

  1. Open a clevercircles custody account online
  2. Under the field for the e-mail address, you will be asked whether you have a clevercircles promotional code (clevercode). Click there. A field for your promo code will open.
  3. Enter clevercircles code BW100
  4. Complete the next steps of the registration process
  5. Deposit at least CHF 5,000
  6. Done 😎


Register online

Register completely online and digitally.


clevercircles Code: BW100

Enter your clevercircles code BW100 under "I have a promotional code (clevercode)" in the first step where you have to enter your e-mail address.


Deposit of CHF 5,000

As soon as you have deposited at least CHF 5,000, you will be credited with CHF 100 starting credit.

More about clevercircles

Clevercircles is a roboadvisor that allows you to put together a customised portfolio of ETFs and index funds. And thanks to our clevercircles code BW100, you will receive a starting credit of 100 francs. 💰

  • Clevercircles creates a personal investment strategy that can be customised. The investment universe covers the world's most important asset classes, including equities, bonds, property and commodities.
  • An investment universe of passive ETFs and index funds is available on clevercircles.
  • Clevercircles allows rebalancing to be automated or you can decide individually.
  • Clevercircles offers the option of hedging the portfolio against currency risks (euro, US dollar).
  • Clevercircles also offers the option of putting together your own "advisory board" (Circle) consisting of investment professionals, business media, community, friends and family.
  • If you would like to try out clevercircles without obligation, you can test the free demo version.
  • The minimum investment is CHF 5,000, with subsequent investments possible from CHF 100. Savings plans can also be set up.
  • In the dashboard, clevercircles clearly shows the performance of the portfolio.
  • The bank behind clevercircles is CIC (Schweiz) AG.
  • Clevercircles provides a detailed annual tax statement.
  • Clevercircles is also available as an app (App Store, Playstore).
  • The fees vary depending on the investment amount.

More information at:

Clevercircles code (clevercode): BW100


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